Sonntag, Februar 26

paintings with love

These are two wonderful drawings by Bianca Beis,
who wrote under one of my flickr photos that she painted some of them.I was really happy and impressed when I saw all her beautiful drawings with the cute little raccoons in it.
Thank you ♥

Montag, Februar 20

Here he slept

Freitag, Februar 17

Now the birds of the air make nests on me

Like sparrows shaking rain from their wings

Dienstag, Februar 14

flowers bloom while you sit in a windy ocean

Happy Valentine's to you! ♥

Sonntag, Februar 12


love in the morningmaking breakfast for him,wrap up presents
sitting on the windowsill
wearing dresses
walks in the snow
being sad sometimes

Donnerstag, Februar 9

Samstag, Februar 4